Breaking Free from the Familiar
Have you ever felt the pull to step out of comfort and embrace change?
Stepping out of our comfort zones and embracing change is never easy. The idea of choosing risk over comfort is one of those easier-said-than-done moments. It feels more natural to stay safe, to let fear or anxiety take the wheel and drive our decisions. But today, I share with you how walking "The Risky Path" helped me...
Discovering Self-Worth: A Journey to Inner Freedom
Have you ever felt undervalued, overworked, or dismissed? You’re not alone, and these feelings often point to a deeper need to recognize our own worth. In this episode, I open up about my journey from feeling undervalued to embracing my intrinsic self-worth, guiding you along The Free Advantage Path—a pathway to authenticity, inner alignment, and, ultimately, freedom....
Though The Risky Path is the name of our business, it definitely did not start out that way. Years ago, the risky path came into our lives as a way of living, being brave, walking in courage, and having faith when we feel uncertain. This is what it was then and what it still is to us today. When we decided to FINALLY, as everyone in our lives would say, start our own company working hand in hand together, everything about it felt...